Holiday Plant Fundraiser

Great news.. our Zonta charitable Poinsettia, Cyclamen and Wreath sale is underway. Decorate your home or office or send a VERY affordable hand-delivered (Berkshire County) gift. Thank you for your support – it’s our biggest fundraiser and just beautiful flowers! ❤ (below is a link to order form)  Delivered December 1st (unless otherwise requested)

Poinsettia_Order_2024  (cash or check) | QR Code Flyer to Post  | Online order below (credit, cash or check!)

Please place a separate order for each delivery you wish to send.

Add quantity of the Holiday Plants

Product Item Price Quantity
XLarge Red Poinsettia $30
XLarge White Poinsettia $30
XLarge Pink Poinsettia $30
Medium Red Poinsettia $20
Medium White Poinsettia $20
Medium Pink Poinsettia $20
Red Cyclamen $20
White Cyclamen $20
Pink Cyclamen $20
Holiday Wreath $35
Sub Total

The payment for the above order was given (or will be given) to the member named above.